Helpful Ava Resource

Post By:
Michelle Artreche
Created On:
September 14, 2021

Helpful Ava Resource

We’re so excited to share this handy resource created by our very own SEL curriculum writer, Peter Jung, M.Ed - an Ava TTRPG (Tabletop Role Playing Game)!

Many mental health professionals have seen great success when implementing TTRPG's with their clients. Ava is meant to be implemented as a supplemental tool for therapists and other facilitators to run with an individual or group of youth, utilizing Ava as a social-emotional learning tool. We’ve created this helpful resource for you, this will be your guide through Ava, including how to play the game, character sheets, and supplemental materials!

If you're on the fence about using a TTRPG with your clients or students, check out this short documentary on how Dungeons and Dragons (one of the most popular table top RPGs in the world) has had a positive impact on autistic youth: 

Our goal is to provide you with all the support needed to best implement Ava to better assist the needs of your students and clients! 

Check out and download your helpful Ava TTRPG resource tool here:

Interested in getting Ava for your therapy center or school for engaging, empowering social-emotional learning? Schedule a chat with us!

Ready to purchase? Get your copy of Ava now!