Post By:
Deiera Bennett
Created On:
January 15, 2025

How to Identify and Address Ableism in Schools

What is ableism?

Ableism is the unfair treatment and prejudice against people with disabilities. It’s rooted in a belief that individuals without disabilities are the standard. Ableism involves making assumptions about others’ abilities, behaviors, and needs based on a flawed belief that everyone should conform to traditional expectations. Ableism is deeply embedded in society and can be seen in policies, language, media, and everyday interactions. In education, ableism can be seen in the curriculum, instructional practices, disciplinary processes, policies, and interactions between students and staff. For example, requiring all students to make eye contact when listening is a common ableist practice. 

In the “Challenging Ableism in Schools” episode of the All Kinds of Minds podcast, Dr. Christina Cipriano, the Director of the Education Collaboratory at Yale and an Associate Professor at the Yale Study Center, shared insights from her research and experience regarding how ableism impacts neurodivergent students and how to address it to create a more inclusive, welcoming learning environment for all students.

The Impact of Ableism in Schools

Ableism affects students academically, socially, and emotionally. Dr. Cipriano states, “When students continuously have their behavior invalidated or seen as disruptive, it fosters learned helplessness and disidentification within the school. This spiral affects not just academic outcomes but also social-emotional well-being.”

Ableist practices in schools unintentionally reinforce the idea that only neurotypical students are valued. When schools and classrooms prioritize conformity over individual needs, neurodivergent students may struggle to access learning in ways that align with their strengths. This can lead to:

Social Challenges

Exclusionary practices, like failing to provide alternative ways to participate in activities, can impact the ability of neurodivergent students to form meaningful relationships with peers. Dr. Cipriano points out that “without intentional efforts to create inclusive spaces, these students often feel isolated from their peers.” This isolation can lead to a lower sense of belonging and add to the challenges many neurodivergent students already face with building relationships.

Mental Health Issues

Persistent invalidation of their experiences can contribute to anxiety and depression.  According to Dr. Cipriano, ableism can lead to higher rates of punishment for behavior related to neurodivergence, such as movement and stimming. This type of disciplinary action creates a school environment that feels unsafe and unwelcoming, which can negatively impact their mental health.

Academic Disidentification

Students may disengage from learning if they feel their needs are not being met or if their contributions are undervalued. Dr. Cipriano explained, “When students don’t feel seen or supported, they internalize the message that education is not for them.” This disengagement is usually shown through lower participation, decreased motivation, and poor academic performance.

Lower Expectations

Ableist beliefs and attitudes can result in teachers or administrators having lower expectations for neurodivergent students and not offering them opportunities that they feel may be too challenging or too ambitious for the student. This lack of belief in their potential limits their growth and sends the message that their abilities are less valuable than their peers’ abilities.

Lack of Representation

Ableism often excludes neurodivergent students from being celebrated as leaders or achievers, which reinforces the stigma that their contributions are less valuable. On the other hand, only celebrating neurodivergent students for overcoming challenges and framing their achievements as inspirational “despite” their neurodivergence can also come off as patronizing.  It reflects the lowered expectations placed on them rather than recognizing their accomplishments as equally valid and valuable.

How to Identify Ableism in Schools

Ableism in schools often stems from deficit-based thinking that views students with disabilities as broken or inadequate rather than individuals with unique strengths and needs. Educators who were taught about neurodivergence based on the medical model of disability often maintain an incorrect assumption that neurodivergent students cannot thrive without extensive intervention or constant support. While some neurodivergent students might require this level of support, ableist views ignore the individuality of neurodivergent individuals and instead believe that they all have the same needs and require the same support. 

It may be difficult to identify ableism in schools because it is ingrained throughout systems. Your answers to the following questions can help pinpoint where ableism may exist:

  • Do certain classroom requirements take a one-size-fits-all approach? (Ex. requiring students to raise their hands to speak may exclude students with social anxiety, processing differences, or speech delays)
  • Are behaviors viewed through a deficit lens? (Ex. Viewing a student’s need for movement as disruptive instead of as a legitimate self-regulation strategy)
  • Do labels and diagnoses influence expectations (Ex. Lowering expectations for students based on them being autistic rather than focusing on their individual potential)
  • Is the classroom structure inflexible? (Ex. Lacking flexible seating arrangements or sensory-friendly spaces)
  • Do policies prioritize conformity over inclusion? (Ex. Banning fidget tools or requiring a dress code that ignores sensory needs)
  • Does language reinforce stereotypes (Ex.Using terms like “normal” to describe neurotypical behaviors)
  • Are the lessons inaccessible to neurodivergent learners? (Ex. Presenting materials in one format or requiring participation in one specific way)
  • Do school-wide policies fail to reflect neurodivergent needs? (Ex. Enforcing strict disciplinary processes or not requiring accommodations for extracurricular activities)

How to Address Ableism in Schools

Addressing ableism in schools and creating an inclusive learning environment requires changes at every level of education. 

Listen to the students

Invite students to share their experiences and needs. Dr. Cipriano says it’s important to "listen to learn, rather than listen to defend or dismiss.” She emphasizes that students will tell you everything you need to know if given a safe and affirming space. Hearing the students is just one part of listening to them. Identify one or two quick changes that can be made based on their feedback. For example, adding a sensory tool or creating a quiet space can be done quickly and show students that you’re committed to supporting them.

Challenge deficit-based thinking and conversations

Shift from focusing on what students “can’t do” to recognizing and celebrating their strengths. Avoid viewing neurodivergence as a problem that needs to be fixed or illness that needs to be cured. When speaking with colleagues, be intentional about strengths-based perspective and encourage them to do the same. Oftentimes, people with ableist views are unaware of their biases. Simply bringing awareness to it can be enough to influence them to change. 

Educate yourself and others

Actively seek out resources to learn more about neurodivergence and inclusion. On the administrative level, implement professional development that educates staff members on neurodiversity-affirming practices and language. 

Prioritize inclusion

Use tools and strategies that benefit all students, such as movement breaks and flexible seating arrangements, instead singling out neurodivergent students for special accommodations. This can reduce stigma and foster a sense of belonging. 

Collaborate with families

Work closely with families of neurodivergent students to ensure their voices are heard and their needs are understood. Regular communication with families can help identify challenges and solutions that might not be obvious within the classroom setting. Gather feedback from families regarding the school’s approach to inclusion and accommodations and be open to constructive criticism.

While educators can make classroom changes and administrators can make school-level changes, certain policies and practices must be addressed on the systemic level. For example, certain changes may require additional funding from state and local education agencies or approval from district or state officials to be implemented.


Access Living. “Ableism 101.” Link

Cipriano, Christina. “Challenging Ableism in Schools.” All Kinds of Minds Podcast, Episode 4. Link