Making Responsible Decisions: Pros & Cons in Decision-Making
Standards addressed:
Responsible Decision-Making: Understanding the importance of making ethical and beneficial choices
Self-Awareness - Awareness of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and values
Students will evaluate options by creating a pros and cons list
Students will make responsible decisions in various scenarios and explain their reasoning.
Students will be assessed on:
Completion and thoroughness of pros and cons list for each scenario
Articulation of the reasoning behind their choice
- Printed scenarios or scenarios displayed on the board
- Paper and pens or a computer/tablet for creating the pros and cons list
Activating prior knowledge:
Begin a classroom discussion by asking “How do you make a difficult decision?” and “What does it mean to make a responsible decision?” Encourage students to share their thoughts.
1) Explain the importance of responsible decision-making and introduce the pros and cons list. Demonstrate with a simple example, such as choosing between two equally fun after-school activities. Discuss how each choice has benefits and drawbacks. Anticipate the misconception that all decisions must be easy and clarify that sometimes the best choices involve two seemingly equally good options.
2) Introduce the assignment: Students will be given three scenarios and create a pros and cons list for each option. Then students will make a decision and write why they chose that option. Allow students to work independently or in pairs.
3) Present the following three scenarios:
- Scenario 1: Choosing between joining a fun club or having more time to spend with friends and relax.
- Scenario 2: Deciding whether to attend a friend's birthday party or visit a favorite cousin.
- Scenario 3: Selecting between volunteering for a community service project or going on a class trip.
Scaffold questioning as follows:
- What are the benefits of each option?
- What challenges might arise from each choice?
- Monitor student performance by circulating around the room, providing feedback and support as needed.
4) Students will choose one of the scenarios and present their final decision including their pros and cons and reason for their final decision. Encourage the class to ask questions and share their thoughts on the decision-making process.
Ask students to think of a current decision they need to make in their lives. Have them create a pros and cons list for that decision and write a short reflection on how applying the pros and cons strategy helped them make the decision.
Access the downloadable version of Making Responsible Decisions here.
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