Printable: Coping Strategies Poster
Note: This printable poster was created for educators to display in their classrooms or copy to share with students. Access the downloadable version here.

Practice Deep Breathing
Sometimes when we are tense or feeling upset, we hold our breath or breathe too fast. Taking slow, deep breaths can help calm us when we’re frustrated.
Take a Walk
Ask your teacher or another adult if you can go for a short walk. Walking helps to boost our mood by releasing hormones called endorphins and increasing blood flow and oxygen to our brains.
Pick Up A Sensory Toy
Fidget spinners, sensory balls, silly putty, kinetic sand, and even wooden blocks can help you regulate your emotions and focus when you’re feeling stressed.
Do An Activity You Like
Listen to music, draw, play video games, read, chat with a friend, or do other activities that help you feel calm.
Think of Something That Makes You Happy
Whether it’s people, animals, or environments that make you happy, think of things that make you smile!
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