Post By:

Kristine Spindler Denton

Setting Boundaries Lesson Plan

Standards Addressed

  • Self-Awareness: recognizing one’s emotions and values and how they influence behavior
  • Self-Management: regulating one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations


Students will be able to:

  • Identify the importance of setting and communicating boundaries with peers and adults.
  • Demonstrate the steps to set boundaries.
  • Differentiate between having boundaries and being closed off to new experiences.


  • Role-play scenario demonstrating boundary-setting in various situations
  • Reflection sheet

Activating Prior Knowledge

  • Ask the class: "What does the word boundary mean to you?" Facilitate a brief brainstorming session where students share their thoughts and examples of boundaries they observe in their lives (e.g., family, friendships). Scaffold as needed for the class by providing a definition and example.
    • Sample Definition: Boundary - a guidelines or limit that helps people maintain safety
    • Sample Examples: I will not play video games until after I finish my homework. I will not hang out with classmates who talk rudely to me.
  • Encourage students to share one personal boundary they have and why it’s important to them.
  • Introduce a quick icebreaker activity where students pair up and share one personal boundary they have and why it’s important to them.


1) Break students into pairs. Instruct the pairs to watch the two videos below and answer the following questions together:

2) Present students with the steps below to support them as they create their new boundaries individually. Have students create one personal boundary and one relationship boundary. Support students as needed with examples such as:

  • Personal Boundaries: I will not watch TV until my chores are done. I will practice playing video games for no more than 30 minutes on school nights.
  • Relationship Boundaries: I will not text friends back after 10 pm on school nights. I will only eat lunch at school with people who are kind to me.
  • Boundary-Setting Steps
    • Step 1: Identify a need
    • Step 2: Brainstorm ideas and ways that you could meet your need
    • Step 3: Identify any barriers or challenges to this new boundary
    • Step 4: Create the boundary and put it into practice in your life
    • Step 5: Reflect on how the boundary is working / what has improved in your life

3) Monitor student performance by circulating the room, providing feedback, and encouraging peer support.


On a sheet of paper, ask students to reflect on how they will apply their two boundaries. In one week, ask them to reflect on their progress in practicing those boundaries.

Here is a printable version of the Setting Boundaries Lesson Plan.

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