Strengths Collage for Self-Confidence Lesson Plan and Activity

Post By:

Kristine Spindler Denton

Strengths Collage for Self-Confidence Lesson Plan and Activity

Standards Addressed:


Social Awareness 


Students will identify and articulate their skills and talents by creating a visual collage that promotes self-esteem and confidence.

Students will build self-esteem by writing or recording positive, affirming letters to themselves.


Collage Completion

Collage Explanation

Peer Compliments

Personal, self-affirming letters

Key Points:

Self-Esteem: Understanding the importance of recognizing and valuing one's abilities.

Affirmations: Learning how positive self-talk can enhance confidence.

Collage Creation: Using art to express personal strengths and talents visually.

Peer Feedback: Engaging in constructive discussions about each other's strengths.

Gallery Walk: Sharing and celebrating individual talents with classmates.


Begin a class discussion by asking, "What makes you feel proud and confident?"  Explain the concept of self-esteem and why it matters. Show the two YouTube videos below and discuss. The first video shows the power of belief in yourself and your abilities, and the second one shows how your thoughts change your brain. 



  1. As a class, collaboratively list two talents or skills for each student on the board to ensure everyone has a starting point for the Strengths Collage activity. Clarify that talents can include hobbies, interests, and personal qualities such as being kind, responsible, and hard working.

  1. Introduce the Strengths Collage activity. Students will create a personal collage illustrating their strengths, skills, and talents. Students will present their collages as part of a gallery walk. 

  1. Provide posters boards and resources such as magazines, printed internet pictures, etc. Tell students that they can also use drawings and text. Alternatively, allow students to create digital collages using Canva, Google Slides, PowerPoint, or other presentation software. Prompt students with questions like: “What games are you good at?” or “What activities do you enjoy that highlight your skills?” Set expectations for workspace behavior such as: respect materials, stay on task, and support classmates with positive comments. Walk around the room to provide feedback and encouragement as students work.

  1. Students will participate in a gallery walk where they walk around to view and celebrate everyone’s collages. Give students post-it notes to use to write positive, specific compliments about each collage. If the students created collages using posters, consider displaying the collages throughout the classroom to remind students of their strengths and so they can add new skills as they learn and grow. 

Going Deeper (optional activity)

Students will write a letter or record a video to themselves describing their skills and how talented and amazing they are. Make sure students include the positive words from their peers. Encourage them to read the letter or watch the video whenever they need a confidence boost. 


Ask each student to share one thing they learned about themselves while creating their collages. Reinforce the importance of recognizing and celebrating individual strengths.

Access the downloadable version of the Strengths Collage for Self-Confidence Lesson Plan and Activity here.

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