Post By:

Kristine Spindler Denton

Team Building Through Game Play Lesson Plan

Standards Addressed

-Self-Management: Students will learn to set goals and manage their time effectively during the research and presentation.

-Relationship Skills: Students will practice communication and teamwork through collaborative activities.


-Students will be able to collaborate in teams to research a given topic.

-Students will be able to create multiple-choice questions.

-Students will be able to present their questions to classmates to practice teamwork and communication.


Students can be assessed in the following areas:

-Research accuracy

-Creativity and quality of questions

-Respectful and effective teamwork and communication


-Computers for research

-Question Cards (construction paper, notecards)

Activating Prior Knowledge

-Start the lesson with an icebreaker activity where students share their favorite games or team activities.

-Discuss the importance of teamwork and respectful communication in group settings.

-Ask the class, “What makes a great team?” and create a list of character traits, if desired.


1) Introduce the research game and explain the objective: to stump classmates with creative questions.

2) Divide the class into teams. Each team will research two topics that they agree on and write four questions for each topic. Explain that the questions should start easy and get progressively harder. Instruct the teams to determine the following:

-Two topics

-What sources to use to research questions and answers

-Who will work on which topics and questions/answers

Set behavior expectations: respectful communication, stay on task during research, and collaborate and share ideas openly.

3) Explain the steps for researching a topic:

-Identify reliable sources

-Formulate questions based on research

-Provide two wrong but plausible answers and one right answer for each question

*Common Misconception: Students may think that all questions should be easy; clarify that the

goal is to have the questions become more challenging as they progress from 1 to 4.

4) Provide examples of well-crafted questions to model expectations. Support teams asneeded. Examples of questions:

-Easy: What is the largest shark? Whale, White, or Greenland

-Difficult: What type of species are whale sharks? Demersal, Coral Reef, or Pelagic

5) When the teams finish, bring the class back together to play the game. Allow students to take turns acting as the game show host. The host will ask a question, and the answering team will have time to discuss the correct answer. Teams take turns presenting their questions to the class. Each question is worth points equal to its difficulty (ex. Question 3 is worth 3 points). The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.


Facilitate a discussion or ask students to write down their responses to the following questions:

-What was the most surprising question you heard today?

-What did you enjoy about working in a group?

-What part of teamwork was challenging for you?

Here is the printable version of Team Building Through Game Play Lesson Plan.

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